Mood: Productive
Track: Mike Ant: Episode
Would you rather listen to an over synthesized, hyper auto-tuned track or a track by a girl with weak vocals, but a hot body. Granted, you can't see her through the radio. Well, now we have more options. Listen to the track below...
You just experienced the music of Mike Ant. You may not know who he is, but trust me, he's no rookie in the industry. In fact, Mike Ant has written for and even sang with some of the industry's most famous musicians.
This particular song, Episode, is one of my favorites. The song starts off by Ant describing a particular event of a sexual nature in which he wants to relive. "Thinkin about the next time when/ I gets to be with you again/ Been a cool minute since we been wit it,did it, fulfilled it/ its quite unfortunate."
During the chorus, he just cuts to the chase and sings, "If it's alright with you/ Can we flip and episode tonight/ it's all about what you wanna do (yea baby)/ we can do whatever you like/ let me cater to you/ so hit me back with your reply/ if youre sure that it's cool/ can we flip and episode, flip an episode tonight?"
The vocals?? Don't get me started on the vocals. Okay, I'm goin in! The vocals are he dopest kind of ill. They make you forget the song is about an invitation for a sexual rendezvous. But, don't get me wrong, the track is far from smut. He throws ole girl some romance, singing, "Baby I can't believe my eyes/ your face, your waist, your lips, your thighs/ to me, a vision of beauty, a cutie, you're so sexy and so desirable."
A debut album is still in the works, but there are a few tracks on youtube and myspace that can tie you over until the CD is complete and released. For more music, updates, adn more, check him out ...