Track: Destiny's Child: Free
Mood: Relaxed
Greetings Blogworld! I hope this post finds you all in the best of health and the highest of spirits! Now, I'm goin in!!
Have you ever met someone who is everything you never knew you wanted? Have you ever found what you thought was love even when you weren’t looking for it? Ladies, have you ever been swept off your feet so quickly that you didn’t even notice when you lost your footing? Have you ever dove so deep into love that you don’t even remember taking the leap? I have.
Love is a blind leap of faith. You’re basically dropping all inhibitions and restrictions in order to give someone all you have to offer. We take this leap in the hopes that the object of our affection will reciprocate the feelings and leap with us, or at least catch us when we fall. It’s beautiful when love works. It’s powerful when someone loves you as much as you love them. It’s soothing to know that someone has the power to crush you, but won’t.
But what if they do? What if the love you thought was the most powerful thing in the world wasn’t? You call that person your “other half” and now it’s over. How do you cope with that? It’s simple. You mourn the loss of your relationship and you move on. Cry if you need to. You do whatever it takes, within reason, to feel whole again. This journey from love to loss and single again is a difficult one and it takes people different times to cope with this newly found freedom.
A serious breakup is a lot like death and grief. In a sense you are mourning the death of a relationship. The five stages are: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and eventually acceptance. You’ll tell yourself that you all will get back together. Denial. You’ll get mad and perhaps even take it out on his or her clothes, car, etc. Anger. You’ll suggest you all remain friends and you may or may not mean it. Bargaining. You’ll feel sorry for yourself. You’ll blame yourself and not want to eat, sleep or go out. Depression. Eventually, you will be okay with the break up. Acceptance. Getting to that acceptance is a difficult process.
Your friends will try to hook you up with new people … new people that you will compare to your old love. They say that the best way to get over an old love is to get under a new one. That won’t work. You’ll often look at old photos, old letters, etc and old feelings will resurface. The pain is still there. They still have the ability to control how you feel. They can ruin or make your day based on how they treat you.
At some point, you will be okay. At some point, you will look at the same old photos, old letters, etc and feel NOTHING. No feels of wanting to get back together. No feelings of inadequacy. No feelings of depression. No feelings of pain. NOTHING. You’re free. This person no longer has the ability to control how you feel and you’ve never felt better. SWEET FREEDOM.
Until we meet again ...
Peace and love ...