Saturday, July 4, 2009

Independence Day




Greetings Blogworld! I hope this entry finds you in the best of health and the highest of spirits.

Happy 4th of July Everyone!! Hope you all had fun hanging out with family, attending cookouts, and watching fireworks. I didn't do any of the fore mentioned things. I was at home in my room almost all day. It's not that I didn't want to partake in any of the festivities going on, it's just that I had something more to celebrate. I was celebrating being alone. See, what most people don't understand is that there is a difference between being alone and being lonely. I am far from lonely. What better way to celebrate being alone, then...well being alone?

I have grown to love my own company and I think it's important, especially if I expect others to enjoy my company. How can I expect them to appreciate my company if I don't, so I took the time to hang with myself.

I stayed home and watched movies, wrote in my transcript, and just enjoyed the silence. Sometimes you just need a lazy day to sit back, relax, and do some refelction. To some, this sounds boring, but I had a great day. I hope that you all can take out the time to enjoy time alone. Take a lazy day for yourself and do nothing.

Until we meet again...

Peace and love...

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