Friday, February 19, 2010



Mood: Refreshed
Track: Live Like You're Dying: Kris Allen

What's up Blogworld? I hope this entry finds you in the best of health and the highest of spirits. I must apologize becuase my entries have been far and in between. There are so many things that I could have written about and so many things that I wanted to write about. I guess I just got caught up in the chaos of life. Regardless of the reason, I'm writing now...

Yesterday a good acquaintance of mine sent me a BBM (that's BlackBerry Message for all you non blackberry users. #teamblackberry lol). The message read, "Does it make me a bad person if you didnt have a falling out with a friend, but you just want to let the friendship go?" I responded with, "Not at all. You have to do what's best for you. All friendships aren't meant to last forever. Everyone is not going where you are going in life and you have to be careful who you let tag along."

We continued to discuss this for several hours before another friend asked me a similar question. He asked, "How do you know when you've outgrown a friend?" I didn't exactly know how to answer, but I told him about my personal experiences. The older I get and the more I learn, grow, and mature, the more I noticed that a lot of my friends weren't. As I began to do more things to further my career, some people stopped talking to me and others started talking about me. I didn't have to sever any ties, they dismissed themselves. As I get older, my inner circle gets smaller... and I couldn't be happier.

At this stage in my life, I need more in a friend than just being fun to be around. I need friends who are as passionate about life as I am. Friends who motivate me by their successes. Friends who hold me accountable for my foolish decisions. I feel like I do all those things for my friends and I may be a little selfish these days, but I want to succeed and I need friends who are going to help me get there and not just make me laugh along the way.

What do you think? How do you know when to end a frienship? Do you think my attitude is selfish?

Until we meet again...

Peace and love...

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